
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Whatever Happened To Lorenzo??

People, Homeless, Male, Street, Poverty
Image Courtesy Of Pixabay 

  Whatever happened to Lorenzo??
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a true account but I have changed the names to protect the innocent. Lorenzo was a young man with dreams and aspirations, he liked nice clothes and he had a beautiful smile.

 He was a nice young man but we noticed that Lorenzo took the easy way out when it came to making his money. Lorenzo lived on the rough side of town but everybody just knew that he would make it out of the hood unscathed. He had charisma and a soft side and he attracted very beautiful and classy women.

We didn't know exactly what Lorenzo did to make his living but we knew that with the little minimum wage job that he had, he couldn't afford a lot of things that he was purchasing. His mom was a very sweet woman and he loved her and would do anything for her.

 She never questioned how he made his money. Lorenzo's dad was not around so he couldn't depend on anyone else for financial support. He took matters into his own hands and decided that he would be the man that his family needed.

So long story short, many years passed and I often wondered what happened to Lorenzo. I started doing searches online and I came across a picture of this weary man wearing rags and he was very unkempt.

Life caught up to Lorenzo and his money-making activities finally resulted in homelessness and jail time. The moral of this short story is, fast money leads to death and destruction and there is no way out of your situation than doing the right thing.

 Education plays a big part in your future and your future employment and staying on the right track is very important.

Was Lorenzo a bad person? no, he wasn't but life took its toll and he saw no way out of his situation. Life moves very fast and I wish that someone could have intervened before his life turned into the mess that it is.

 There is hope and a chance for redemption and this is just an account of how we are a product of our environment. I am hoping and praying that the next news I hear about Lorenzo will be good and he has changed his life.

If you like short stories such as this one, please comment below.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

I Went To Jamaica For Two Years And Just Found Out I Am Divorced

I Went To Jamaica For Two Years And Just Found Out I Am Divorced.

Jamaica, Island, Woman, Black Skin
Image Courtesy Pixabay

Anonymous Question: Hello, SashaMonique, I went to Jamaica and stayed for two years because I love acting and singing but the market is not good in the state where I live. Many days I dreamed about living in Jamaica, it was something that I was adamant about.

The problem is, I have a husband of seven years and he is really kind and sweet but I told him that I wanted to move to Jamaica and he said that he couldn't go because he had a lot going on in his career right now and he knew that it would harder to establish himself in a career in Jamaica.

My husband told me to go and he would support me in anything that I wanted to do.  Secretly, I was hoping he would change his mind and come with me.  Never have I had a problem with my husband and we were truly in love with each other.

So, two years passed and I decided to come home and when I opened the door, I saw all sorts of letters on the floor and my husband was not there. I went next door to talk to my neighbor and he said that my husband had moved out eight months ago.

My neighbor also told me that my husband was married to someone else, I said that it couldn't be true and he assured me that it was. I did not believe that my marriage was over so I did some more checking and my neighbor was right, my husband divorced me and he did it illegally.

Now, I am in a very dark place in my life, because things did not pan out in Jamaica and I don't have a job or anything.  I am sorry for the long question but I hope that you can help me.

Sashamoniquetalks:  Hello, I am so sorry that this happened to you but I wonder whether or not your husband had a relationship going on before you left because it sounds like this could be a possibility.  Now, I am going to say this, why would you go to another country without your husband?  You took a big chance.

There is a possibility that your husband really loved you but could not deal with you being gone.  Please go and seek some legal advice to see if you can get some financial compensation such as; Alimony because he definitely did this behind your back.

Speak to some of his family members to find out all the details of why your husband married his current wife.  I cannot answer any further because this is a legal matter.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Elderly And Middle- Aged Women Be Honest With Yourself (Catfish)

Elderly And Middle-Aged Women Be Honest With Yourself (Catfish)

Old Lady, Black And White, Monochrome
Image Courtesy Of Pixabay

Disclaimer, you are not going to like what I am going to say, so if this offends you, I am sorry.

I am watching Dr. Phil right now screaming at the television. So so tired of seeing elderly women meeting guys on the internet and getting catfished.

  You can not blame anybody but yourself.  You have to be honest with yourself, the truth is, men are not really interested in middle-aged and elderly women, not in no real relationship.

Eventually, you find out that this man is a fraud or never existed, you send all your money to a man because you believe that this man is in love with you; you have never seen this man for crying out loud!

I am not saying that an older woman cannot find someone to date in her real-life but if you are looking to get married, you are sadly mistaken. This lady that I am watching today lost a lot of money and you cannot get it in these lady's heads that this man is not going to be with them.

What is wrong going to events where available elderly men are also looking to form friendships with available older women?  Nothing wrong with it at all!  When I go to my local mall I see elderly people meeting and they bring a single friend to meet elderly gentlemen.

This is a nice way to socialize with other people. I see really beautiful looking older women every single day but a man don't care if you are a nice looking older woman, they don't want old women point, blank, period.

I am middle-aged myself and I refuse to be an old fool.  Please watch these catfish shows so you can learn the signs ladies.  Protect yourself and listen to your family because they are just trying to protect you because they love you.

(Blind Item) He Dated His Own Cousin's Wife. What A Snake!

(Blind Item) He Dated His Own Cousin's Wife.
African, Women, African American Woman
Image Courtesy Pixabay

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, this article is a blind item so here it goes.  The husband was a tall, good looking light brown-skinned man and he was very hardworking, The wife was a plus-sized woman and she always wore her hair in fabulous braids,

 I had never seen anyone's hair braided in such a beautiful manner.  She loved to hang out in clubs while her wonderful husband was at work. This woman was very flirtatious and she attracted a lot of men at the clubs she attended.

Her husband's cousin was a tall, dark and handsome man with brown eyes, he was very soft-spoken but a snake.

He was a snake because, the same club that his cousin's wife went to, he attended also, and they would dance together, they also danced together in the bedroom but the husband nor the cousin's wife did not know what was going on.

 The cousin came home with lipstick on his shirt but he said that he was dancing with the cousin's wife and accidentally her lipstick got on his shirt (Clues!)  The cousin's wife was in denial and was trying hard to work on her marriage.

As time passed, the cousin's wife found out what was going on and she was long gone but the secret was kept for a long time from the husband, but now the covers come off and the cousin is now revealed as the snake that he always been.

I bet this isn't the first time that this man slept with his family's wives and it won't be the last.  Never trust anyone!  (Covers comes off)

Saturday, September 16, 2017

My Daughter Is Out Of Control.

Women, Daughter, People
Image Courtesy Of Pixabay
My daughter is out of control!

Anonymous Question: Hello, Sasha, my daughter is fifteen and she is starting to get into trouble and act very wild. I am at my wit's end with this child. She is too big to spank and she knows it and she is sneaking out the house when I go to bed.

 She is not doing anything in school and she was kicked out of regular high school so I got her into an alternative school so she can still get her high school Diploma. She was caught stealing two years ago and she has bought a lot of shame to me. I don't know what to do, Sasha.

Sashamoniquetalks: You said that your daughter is starting to get into trouble, yet you said that she was caught stealing two years ago. It sounds like the problem started two years ago and talk to your daughter very casually to see what occurred.

 You didn't say whether or not her dad is around but it sounds like he isn't because he would be backing you up in this situation. Speak to the Guidance Counselor at her school to see if anything serious is going on at school and also take your daughter for counseling.

 When she sneaks out of the house, call the police so that it can be a record of your daughter doing this so you can protect yourself. Talk to your child's friends parents to see what is really going on. Please let me know what happens regarding this.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Are You Living In Confusion?? (Lessons Learned)

Have you been in that place in your life where you have just sat down and reminisced about your past and the events that took place that may have contributed to you having your moment of enlightenment that made you get up and make changes that have made you into the person that you are today?

 I had that moment today and step by step I felt joy and the power that we as women hold if we just listen to our intuition and our heart.

Life is full of lessons that must be learned and I often think about what could have happened in my life if I didn't take the necessary steps and the faith to push me to make changes.

 With every change in my life, there were rivers of tears, but as the tears fell I still made the change that led to freedom.  Freedom to change my course of destiny.  Freedom to not be held back and held up with someone else insecurity and freedom to love me.

To anyone going through difficult changes right now, the change is in your heart, it is in your mouth to speak greatness, it is in your steps to move you.  Don't be afraid because God will hold your hand while you are making your move, he is telling you and showing you that he got you and just want your trust and faith.

 Below is a video of a song that I love and have been very helpful to me throughout my life and I hope that it will be helpful to you.  The message is clear and the song is beautiful.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Where Do I Fit In The Dating World As An Older Woman?

Model, Women'S, Young, Young Model

Image Courtesy Pixabay

Anonymous Question: SashaMonique I am 45 years old and although I take good care of myself, I watch my weight and I dress very fashionable.  I have been told that I look very young for my age and I am not tooting my own horn, but I am very attractive.

 I want to know, where do I fit, in the dating world as an older woman?  I have been single for about 2 years and would like to be in a long-term relationship.  Have gone on a few dates and I am not attracting the type of man I would like in my life.  I have 2 kids and they both are grown and I just want to be in love once again.  

SashaMoniqueTalks:  I am glad that you contacted me because I truly understand your situation because I am an older woman and I have to say that dating is very difficult at this age because a lot of men want to date a young woman.  

There are some men who would love a more mature woman and you would have to go to some events where good, quality men are.  Finding love is never impossible and you didn't say what your hobbies are but find an event where it has men who have the same interest that you have, this could be outings to the movie theater and there are some websites geared to group outings that would make meeting men safer.

  Some years ago I went to an event on a ship and I found it very easy to strike up a conversation and meet single men and there wasn't a lot of pressure on either party. If you are meeting men that you are not attracted to, do not give them your number.

 See if any of your family members have friends that you can be introduced to.  Find out about outings your local church may be going on and go and enjoy yourself.  It is not too late, all you have to do is weed out the undesirables.

Are big content creators going broke?

Are big content creators going broke? I have been a content creator since 2012.  I have seen a lot of people come and go.  Doing YouTube or ...