Showing posts with label living in confusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label living in confusion. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2017

(Video) Don't Give Men Money.

Don't Give Men Money.

Ladies, there are so many men trying to get over on women and use them as their personal Bank.  So many women start this practice and in the end, they end up with bad credit and all sorts of problems.  Make this man be a man and get off his behind and contribute to you and your household and if he isn't willing to take his rightful place in your life, then you should let him go.

This same man will meet someone else and be willing to give her the world, you are worth more ladies.  It is easier than you think that it is, just say no! When you tell him no and really mean it, he will show you where he is coming from.  Either he will leave you or he will man up.

Below is a video of this knowledgeable woman giving you advice that you can really take to heart and stop being used.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Are You Living In Confusion?? (Lessons Learned)

Have you been in that place in your life where you have just sat down and reminisced about your past and the events that took place that may have contributed to you having your moment of enlightenment that made you get up and make changes that have made you into the person that you are today?

 I had that moment today and step by step I felt joy and the power that we as women hold if we just listen to our intuition and our heart.

Life is full of lessons that must be learned and I often think about what could have happened in my life if I didn't take the necessary steps and the faith to push me to make changes.

 With every change in my life, there were rivers of tears, but as the tears fell I still made the change that led to freedom.  Freedom to change my course of destiny.  Freedom to not be held back and held up with someone else insecurity and freedom to love me.

To anyone going through difficult changes right now, the change is in your heart, it is in your mouth to speak greatness, it is in your steps to move you.  Don't be afraid because God will hold your hand while you are making your move, he is telling you and showing you that he got you and just want your trust and faith.

 Below is a video of a song that I love and have been very helpful to me throughout my life and I hope that it will be helpful to you.  The message is clear and the song is beautiful.

Are big content creators going broke?

Are big content creators going broke? I have been a content creator since 2012.  I have seen a lot of people come and go.  Doing YouTube or ...