
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

What is the best thing that you did for yourself this year?

What is the best thing that you did for yourself this year?

It took me a while to fully invest in myself.  This year, I made it my business to invest in my peace of mind.  I spent more money investing in my brand.  Trying to promote yourself is not easy because blogging is really over saturated. 

 I took the time to research what my audience like and I also took some quiet time to just focus on the things that I love and to rest.   Social media can be taxing on your body and your mind. 

 You try to support a lot of people and next thing you know, your day is totally gone.  I had to start doing what I required for myself.  Supporting myself became a big priority.

Updating my equipment to be a better creator is a must for me.  As I get older I want some of my content to concentrate on women who are in my age group because we are often ignored. 

 My biggest viewers of my blog and my YouTube channel are women 25-45 which is very surprising to me.  I love that they like my content without judging me because of my age.

It took me a long time to grow on both platforms and I am still not that popular but I am seeing a lot of growth from last year till now.  I think it is because I have become even more authentic.  

The best thing that I did for myself this year was to embrace every part of me and to know that I deserve the best.  That means for me to embrace my flaws and all.

I am going to be more consistent on my platforms and to share more of my life.  I appreciate you all for being here and supporting my content.  It means so much to me.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Family estrangements and how to cope with them

Family estrangements and how to cope with them

Sashamoniquetalksadviceshow is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program.  I earn from qualifying purchases.

Estrangements are one of the subjects that no one wants to talk about.  Most of the time we sweep things under the rug and just hope that they will magically go away.  It is something that should be talked about because it happens to so many of us.

Sometimes people decide to stop talking to their good friends and family because a lot of things happened such as abuse, alienation, being mean and not hearing people, being judgmental and etc.

But sometimes it comes from people using this tactic to try to control their friends or family. People have the right to protect their sanity and their family but there is the narcissist who uses it to come into people's lives and then abruptly leave for no reason at all.  Then they will come back and do the same thing.

You often wonder what did I say, what happened.  You cannot remember what you did and you come to the conclusion that you haven't done anything.  Some people have an abusive personality and they want to abuse you and gaslight you in a way where you are constantly wondering what happened.

I am not a psychiatrist or a therapist but I refuse to put up with such nonsense from a friend or family.  Get counseling and also read some self-help books to heal from this emotional abuse because that is what it is.  Never allow someone to do this to you.  It is quite painful emotionally.

Life is too short. Keep people in your life who add to your life in a positive way. Sometimes people are not going to care about you and you have to be honest with yourself regarding this.  Do not let anyone use you as their whipping board.

Are big content creators going broke?

Are big content creators going broke? I have been a content creator since 2012.  I have seen a lot of people come and go.  Doing YouTube or ...