
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Why Are You Willing To Be His Side Chick?

Infidelity, Love, Affair, Cheating
Image Courtesy Of Pixabay

I hear women all the time bragging about taking someone's husband or being in a relationship with a man who has numerous women.  I really had to think and see what they are getting out of this kind of relationship.

 Some women have even said that they don't want to be with the man all the time so they choose this kind of relationship because it is flexible; when they don't want to be bothered they know he will go to his wife or the other side chick.

  There are a lot of women going with older men to get them to finance their lifestyle and they really are not attracted to this person but they are in it to get what they get.

What You Don't Realize

This man is using you for sex and sometimes for your money, he just wants you around to stroke his ego and when he is tired of dealing with you, he will go to his other woman or his wife, you are just a temporary fix for his sexual appetite.

He complains about his wife, but he is not making a move to leave her because it is obvious, that he really loves her but he is no good and he really doesn't want to ruin their relationship.

He has kids with numerous women and you don't require much because you know as his side chick you are not going to receive much from him because he is paying a lot of child support or he is ducking the mothers to avoid paying child support.

This jerk is using you as a shoulder to cry on when things are not good at home and you let him come and stay with you a few days and then he is back home with the so-called miserable wife that he is so unhappy with.

A lot of times he doesn't want to be seen out with you because he is dating so many women.

This guy is in and out of jail and he needs you to be his support system when he gets out of jail.  He doesn't care anything about you, you are just a safety net.

You Are Worth More Than This Ladies!

When you are dating a new man, try to see where he is living and who he is living with and ask questions because sometimes a man will tell you directly where he is coming from but there are others that will lie constantly.

 If you catch this man in a bunch of lies when you are first dating, the lies will only get worse and you will find yourself in a relationship that is difficult and it will not lead to anything worthwhile.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

You are wearing a dark mask (Rant)

Image Courtesy Of Pixabay
You think you know me, you judged me with a heavy hand before you got to really know who I am.  Your over-zealous condemnation was assigned to me.  Everybody thinks that you are the Messiah but instead, you are a worker of iniquity. A charlatan and a fraud.

  God knows all the lives that you have destroyed with your judgemental nature.   Your whole problem is, that you are controlling and you will not admit it to yourself or others.    You have ruled people with fear and have whipped them in every way possible with your forked tongue.

  On the worst day of my life, you decided that you were going to play God and lash me with false words.  How dare you play with the position that you say, God trusted you with.  How dare you!

You have used extreme fear and punishment to keep people under your wing.  Yes, they secretly hate you but they thought that you had their best interest at heart.

  You have to remember that God sits high and looks low and he hasn't forgotten the evil that you have done to tear his earthly kingdom down. You have taken advantage of the poor to get to the lifestyle that you have and I am sure that God isn't pleased.

  Everybody will see your demise if you do not change your wicked ways.  So, dark one, I will pray for your soul but please oh please, don't pray for me.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Are You Dating A Cheapskate?

No Money, Poor, Money, No, Crisis

                                                  Picture Courtesy Of Pixabay

Are You Dating A Cheapskate???

Well, Ladies, I have and let me tell you, it was no fun at all.  He tried to fool me Ladies, yes he did because he talked a good game and he spent some money on me but when it came to things that was important to me like Birthdays and Holidays I wasn't pleased at all with his choice of gifts.

  Lord, he even came on my Birthday one year and forgot my card and went to the drug store and bought the card and came to my house and signed that bad boy right in front of me.   My thing is this, if you cannot afford to be in a relationship, don't be in one because a relationship is give and take.

You can always tell when a man isn't truly interested in you by his actions.  I am not a gold digger by any means and I understand that sometimes people just don't have it, but, don't expect my best if you are not giving me yours.

  That is the bottom line!  It doesn't take much to make some of us women happy, just don't act like we don't matter.

There are signs ladies that this man is a cheapskate and here they are:

  1. Don't want to take you out because it cost to much.
  2. Buys you super cheap things.
  3. Takes you out but want you to pay half of the cost.
  4. re gift things given to him.
  5. Makes tons of excuses for not giving you anything.
  6. Calls you days after your Birthday.
  7. Don't want to take you out to nice restaurants.
  8. Wants to watch movies at home because he is too cheap to buy you a Movie Theater ticket.
  9. Doesn't put much gas in his car so he can ask you for money.
  10. Will not take you out unless he has a coupon.

Ladies, I will never date a cheapskate again because it is too much aggravation and to much work.  I rather hit myself in the head with a hammer than dealing with this type of person. When you see one coming, run for your life, while you still have your self respect.

  If a man really wants to be with you he will try his best to please you.  If he is having some real financial issues, he should discuss this with you because these things happen in life but when you see the signs, keep it moving.

Monday, August 7, 2017

If You Need Some Advice, Please Submit Your Question.

Hello, everyone, if you have any questions that you would like for me to answer, please send them to my email and I will be happy to answer, just keep in mind, if the question is of a serious nature I would not be able to respond and I also don't answer questions from children, you must be eighteen or older. Remember, I can conceal your identity so you do not have to worry about anyone knowing who you are.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

She Waited 20 Years And He Still Didn't Marry Her.

Woman, Laying Down, Sexy, Portrait
Picture Courtesy Of Pixabay

She was young and beautiful, he was the debonair older man and they met at a social event.  They made eye contact and he was hooked and she was too.  

Their relationship started very fast, she was only twenty years old and he was thirty-nine years old and he saw her as the spicy young thing that he had prayed for. 

 Secretly she had always had a thing for older men but she was ashamed to let her friends know. In her mind, she could hear all the laughter that they would make if they only knew.

I am going to call her Diane.  Diane started staying away from her friends and they didn't know why, why because she knew that they would tell her family what she was doing. 

 This man wined and dined her and there was nothing financially off-limits to her.  She saw this as the perfect set-up but what she was soon to find out, her debonair boyfriend had a family, a wife, and four kids.

  Diane found this secret out while looking through her boyfriend's pants pocket and she saw a picture with his cute but older wife and three older kids the last child was only seven years old.

Young, sexy Diane tried to convince herself that she could live with this situation after she confronted her boyfriend and as many years passed she remained complacent in a relationship that was a sinking ship.  

It took five years for the wife to find out what was going on but she decided that she wanted to stay married to her cheating husband.  This man-made so many promises that he was going to leave his wife and marry Diane but it never happened.

  She got so tired of being alone during the holidays and never fully being a part of his life and she spent twenty years of her life trying to please him so that he would see that she was worthy enough to become his wife one day.

This beautiful lady wasted her youth on a good for nothing liar and her beauty started to fade, it faded quickly because this old man stole her youth, he stole her happiness because of his own selfish needs. Guess what?? He doesn't really want Diane anymore but she keeps hanging on because she feels like she cannot do any better. 

 If you are like Diane, really think about this story because being with someone's husband will lead you on a road of lies and destruction.  They always say they will marry you but they won't.

You are worthy of a chance to get married and have the family you have always dreamed of and that will only happen with someone who is single and ready to make a commitment.  Never waste time on a sinking ship!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Picking My Battles Wisely.

I have had some things to confront this week that I want to talk about.  Someone tried to get me upset and was really wanting me to argue with them over something trivial. 

 I told the person that I didn't have the time to argue and it didn't make any sense to waste time on something that she was actually supposed to do and missed the mark.  A lot of times, people try to cover up their mistakes by putting the blame on you when it was their fault.

There will be a time in your life when you will decide that all battles are not yours to fight and I am too grown to have to deal with people's insecurities. 

I have no idea why we as women have a problem with dealing with past hurts and feel as if they have to strike out at someone.  What is wrong with talking like a human being and finding out what the problem really is instead of looking for a fight or argument.  Animals act in this manner.

We really have to change as women and as African American women we need to learn how to deal with people in a professional manner.  Yes, I said professional because this person works in a professional job and she has been slacking for months now and she doesn't want anyone to call her out.

Please pick your battles wisely, everything is not a reason to act in such a negative manner and if you make a mistake, just own up to it. You will go a lot further in your career and in every area of your life.  Life is just too short for foolishness. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

He Wants Me But He Doesn't Want Our Child.

African American, Man, Boy, Smile
Image Courtesy Pixabay
Anonymous Question:  Hello, Ms. Sasha.  I have been on and off with this man for about seven years and we have a five-year-old.

 He will not have anything to do with my child during our off periods.  Looking for excuses to find every opportunity to see me; he also spies on me coming and going from my home.

  I have no idea what he is looking for or waiting to see.  He can be very sweet and then other times he will turn on me.

  We have an only child and when he is in my life, he treats her very well but when we break up, he treats her like a stepchild and I am so tired of him and his immaturity.

SashaMoniqueTalks:  I am going to come on out and say that this is a very strange relationship because he is trying his best to control you and he is acting immature with your child.

  She has a right to be loved by both parents without conditions.  She is an innocent party in this whole situation.

 He chooses to spy on you because he is jealous and he knows that he isn't acting as he should.  Think about the negative message this is sending your little girl, that it is alright to not contribute one hundred percent to your family and she may choose a man in the future who will not be committed to her or her children and that is a bad message to give a child.

  She will also deal with feelings of rejection.  I cannot tell you what to do in your relationship but it sounds like you are really tired of the way it is going.

 Tell him how you feel and if he isn't willing to change, then it may be time for you to walk away for good.

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