
Friday, February 3, 2017

He Was On Top Of His Game ( Blind Item)

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen.  Here is a blind item for you.

There is a male singer who has a fantastic voice.  Went to an event back in the late 1990s and this singer who was at the top of his game was standing near the wall and nobody would talk to him or acknowledge him.

  I was embarrassed for him because his songs are very famous and have even been featured in major movies.

There were many other stars in the room at the time and they wouldn't even talk to him.  He has a really strong voice and you would know his voice anywhere.  I don't have any of the details why everyone was treating him this way but it is really sad.

Other entertainers were asked to come up on the stage to have a jam session and a well-known Guitarist took the stage along with other singers and still no one ever mentioned his name.  This singer stayed till the party was over but I think I would have left early.

I was even surprised that he didn't even have a date with him.  Talking about a brush-off, that was the ultimate!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Is It Wise To Stay Friends With Your EX?

Is It Wise To Stay Friends With Your EX?

It depends if you had a terrible breakup where you could not talk to this person and they have done very bad things to you in the past.  You must take into account all the things that led up to your breakup. 

 If there was any kind of abuse I would say "Don't Do It!"  You will cause yourself so much pain and suffering.

If this man is in a relationship at the moment, I would tell you to leave him alone because you do not need the drama that will ensue from calling or texting this Man. 

 I have stayed friends with people I was dating in the past because maybe it wasn't such a bad breakup or we have more things in common as friends.

If you can talk to this person and don't have any romantic feelings for this Man, you can chat with him and sometimes go out to the movies and etc.  Do not sleep with this man because you do not want to stir up old feelings that are meant to stay buried.

Be honest with yourself and if you enjoy talking to this person, stay friends.  He may even be able to introduce you to a nice person you can date.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Should I Go Back To School?

Hello, everyone.  A good friend of mine asked me this question and I decided to answer it here.  My friend is in her late 40s and she has five kids ranging from the age of 10 to 23 and she works full time.  

She wants to go back to school to finally get her degree.  She found out her job is going to be laid off and she said that she plans to go back to school, while she is on unemployment.  She asked me whether or not she is too old to be going back to school.

I would never tell anyone not to go back to school because it is great to have an education but I feel that if you have to take out student loans, you will have to pay those back and it can cause hardship. 

 If you are getting reimbursed by your employer it would be worth it.  You are not too old to finish school but it is very important to get a degree in a field that have lots of jobs such as the medical field because we do face a lot of age discrimination when we are in our forties or fifties. 

There are a lot of middle-aged people who decide to start their own business after getting their degree and it is a great idea.  You are the only person who will know whether or not it is financially feasible to go back to school.  I am very proud of you and I wish you the best.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Have You Ever Been In A Bad Relationship But Was Scared To Get Out? SashaMoniqueTalks Breaking Down Barriers

 Hello, everyone.  Have you ever been in love with someone and you just know that you two cannot get along but deep down you really love this person and don't know how to end the relationship?  Well, I have and it is not a place that I would ever like to revisit. 

 I can remember my heart pounding and the tears flowing.  I remember questioning myself and wondering whether it was my fault that the relationship was not working.  Removing myself from this situation was heartbreaking and very hard to do.

This place and space where I was, was not healthy and I knew that I had to make a move to save myself.  Below, you will see some of the steps that I had to take and where I am now, and how my mindset changed.

How I saved my life.
  1. Went to the Library and found self-help books to rebuild my self-esteem and to see where I went wrong in the relationship.
  2. Learned to love myself and concentrate on all of my needs.
  3. I decided that I would not concentrate on looks when looking for a mate and to see what was in the man's heart and that he was genuinely in love with me instead of in lust with me. lol
  4. I sincerely prayed for God's guidance and instruction on how to move forward in a positive way.
  5. I made the decision not to date for a while and learn to be happy as a single woman.
  6. I kept myself so busy, so I didn't feel like I was missing something.
  7. Bought me some special gifts for Valentine's Day to celebrate, me.
  8. Started a few hobbies that help to keep my mind off, love and relationships.
  9. Went to some events alone and still had a wonderful time.
  10. Learned how to have friendships with men, without having the pressure of dating.

I have decided that having a relationship doesn't define who I am.  I am wonderful and fabulous, just the way I am, and really glad that I don't have all the drama that was in my life. 

 Trusting your intuition is a way to avoid getting yourself into dangerous and non-productive situations.  You have to realize what all the red flags are and learn to avoid them at all costs.

When you have high self-worth; Men who would ordinarily talk to you will pass you by and that will make room for men of quality to come into your life.

You deserve a life with a man who will celebrate you and who will add to your life in a positive manner.  Life is short; please do not settle for a man who is unstable because you will be miserable.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

I Want To Travel Alone, Should I?

Anonymous Question:  I would like to do some traveling this year but I want to go by myself. I have never done this and I feel a little scared but I want to see the world  I am thinking of going to Japan. What should I do?  I will respect your answer.

Sashamoniquetalks:  It is a very nice feeling to travel but you must keep in mind that going somewhere by yourself can be dangerous, You are very young and in my honest opinion I think you should travel with some friends for your first trip because you need to be very careful going to a country you never traveled to.  There is safety in numbers.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

MegaStar After Someone I Am Close To. (Blind Item)

Hello, you all.  I have a blind item, just for you.
There is a young Megastar who has the hots for someone that I am close to. 

 This entertainer is known to chat back and forth with this person and "begging for a date."  Did I say "begging for a date"  He is so desperate for attention and he has been at this for about four years.  I was shown the proof.  He is worth many, many millions.

Of course, I cannot tell you who this person is, but it is very easy to figure out who I am talking about.  Twitter is his best friend and some other social media outlets.  His best friend is (Christian) lol

Monday, January 9, 2017

Is She Really His Daughter? (Blind Item)

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here is a blind item for you.

There is an entertainer who is known to be in a long marriage and he and his wife live the persona of happiness and fidelity.  They could do no wrong in my eyes; I am a big fan of theirs but, I am sad to report that this man is known for good looks and he has a real "distinctive look".  

I have always heard rumors about him which I will not get into right now.  Has a secret daughter.  Now I don't know if he ever claimed this daughter and I have to add that he is African American and she is supposedly bi-racial although she doesn't appear to be so at all.

She doesn't look like him at all and he has other kids and they look just like him.  This lady is very beautiful and she is over forty-years-old.  She is very poverty stricken and if it is true that she is his daughter, then this is really sad that she has to live this way.  

In all honesty, I believe that this star should take a DNA test because of his "distinctive looks" she should have some identifiable features relating to his.

There are a lot of scammers looking to get the piece of the pie, so to speak.  DNA test was not available when she was born but it can definitely rule out the paternity of this so-called daughter.

If she was found to be his daughter, then she should benefit from her father's fortune.

Are big content creators going broke?

Are big content creators going broke? I have been a content creator since 2012.  I have seen a lot of people come and go.  Doing YouTube or ...