
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Your husband is abusive to you, but you are surprised that he is abusing your child.

Your husband is abusive to you, but you are surprised that he is abusing your child.

Child Suffering Look Help Pity Compassion
Image of eye courtesy of Pixabay

Hello everyone,
I know I haven't been posting in a while, but I want to quickly touch on this conversation.

Many of you are in abusive marriages and relationships and you stay in that relationship for a very long time in hopes that this person will magically change and be a better person.

He has shown you regularly who he is.   You have done the things that you thought would change the relationship for the better, like improving yourself to be everything that you think he wants you to be.

His abusive outburst towards you was never your fault, and he knows this, but he will continue to batter you because you will not step up and put a stop to this madness.

Lately, your child has been crying a lot, and your mate has been slapping this kid around and battering him.  You have made every excuse in the world, and you are too afraid to step up and do something with your life.
Baby, Todler, Boy, Child, Crying, Infant
Image of a child crying courtesy of Pixabay

If something happens to your beautiful children, you will hold some of the blame, and you don't want that.  Please take hold of your life.  Men are a dime a dozen, and this man who batters you and your children is a terrible person.

You are patiently waiting for him to get himself together, but get your life together and save yourself and your children before something serious happens.

It is never easy to leave someone but think about what could happen if you stay stuck in an abusive marriage.

Hug your child or children and promise them that you will get out of this situation, and you get out of it and stay out of it.

Get involved with the family court to get all the support that you need for yourself and your children.  If you are in this situation or have been in this situation please leave a comment below.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

We can see the beauty in everything but ourselves!

We can see the beauty in everything but ourselves!

It is so funny that we can all see the beauty in flowers, art, music, and many other things, but we cannot see the beauty in ourselves.

I had to confront some things in my life because although I am confident in myself, there are times that I second-guess myself.

My sister gave me a compliment and said "You can do anything that you put your mind to," at that time I was dealing with internal discouragement and self-doubt.

She gave me a strange look but never said anything.  Honestly, I was talking myself out of being great.

Many times when you are going through some things, it is so hard to accept praise, and you also don't feel beautiful.
 The truth is, God gave us everything that we need to create a beautiful life, and we just have to grasp
the concept of being everything that he needs us to be, living our best life, and doing the best that we can.

We are beautiful because of the life we were given.  If you do not feel beautiful, he gives us the tools to make ourselves into that beautiful portrait that we wish to be.  No, we may not look beautiful to everyone, but as long as we can live in our beauty and accentuate the positives that we do have, we will live our truth and grab hold of the wonderful things that we are given in this life.
Be beautiful and be great, accept your beauty standard, and live and create your beautiful life.
Take time for yourself and take the time to just relax and smell the beautiful roses.

 Break the habit of self-doubt and believe that you can do anything and have any beautiful thing that the Lord gives you.
Give thanks to the Lord for giving you this life, and don't be afraid to ask him to help you, and make changes in your life that will propel you to move forward and not be stuck in self-doubt.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Carefully plan your family ladies!

Carefully plan your family ladies!
Pregnancy, Abdomen, Anticipation, Woman
Image courtesy of Pixabay

Hello Ladies, I just want to talk to you for a few minutes.  I have watched many videos on YouTube and I am seeing young women with very large families.  Five children or more; some of you married, some not.

I think having babies and a beautiful family is essential, but I am seeing too many young moms with many children.  Ladies, you will have to think about how this will impact your livelihood.

How are you going to truly be successful while trying to raise all these children?

When your kids get older, it takes an astounding amount of money to clothe and feed these kids.  If you want your kids to go to college, it would be very difficult to send them because of the financial strain.

Black Nosed Sheep, Sheep
Image courtesy of Pixabay

I am not trying to be mean, but I want to see women be able to have a fulfilling and prosperous life. If you have a large family, I take my hat off to you because it takes a lot to properly maintain a big family.

Flower Hand Child Mother Nature White Fema

If you have a husband, what if he leaves you or passes away, what will you do?
You have to carefully take this into consideration.

Many of you who have these big families are not able to work due to your family size, and it puts an added strain on Men to have to work extra jobs to provide for their family, that means that Dad is never home, and when he is, he doesn't have time to deal with the kids.

Woman Children Africans Botswana Southern
Image courtesy Pixabay

What if you and your spouse pass away, who do you think is going to raise all these kids?
I am not scolding you but please think about your future and educate yourself.  You are better than just bearing a lot of kids.

You are great, be great Ladies!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

What is keeping you from sleeping at night?

What is keeping you from sleeping at night?

Have you gotten some bad news, a job loss, or a loss of a relationship?  Maybe you just started a job and you feel that it is not going to work out, so you are up at this hour, thinking about what you are going to do.

We all have things that we are dealing with including me. I am up thinking about my future, and my next move.

Counting sheep is not going to work tonight lol. But, if you see that you are not sleeping for a week, then it is time to do something about it.

Go to your doctor or talk to your local Pharmacist to see if they can advise you and get you back to getting a full night's sleep.

I have restless nights from time to time also, but losing sleep is not healthy because it can cause your heart to race, and it will affect your performance at work.

If you are dealing with depression, please find a Therapist and see if this will help you sort things out.
There is no shame in getting healthy physically and mentally.

Also, don't forget to talk to God about your problems, and I just want you to know that bad times don't last forever.

Well, my friend, I have talked enough, so I will now turn over and get some shut-eye, and I hope for the same thing for you. Goodnight!

Friday, May 4, 2018

Are you looking raggedy because you are not in a relationship?

Are you looking raggedy because you are not in a relationship?

I asked this question because I have seen it many times throughout my life.  Heck, I have even done it and didn't know that I was until I looked at some old pictures.

Life happens and depending on what is going on, you may not even care about the way you look.  I am not talking about being super dressed up every day.

What we don't realize is the fact that sometimes we are depressed and don't even know it.  So what your last relationship didn't work.  Fix yourself up and try again if that is what you want to do.

Homeless Woman Poverty Social Justice Food
Image courtesy of Pixabay

If you have removed yourself from a relationship and have to start all over again, remember to stay clean and neat.

Take care of your skin and your health because this is very important.  Style your hair in a simple but classic style that is easy to maintain.

When you are not in a relationship, it is the perfect time to concentrate on yourself and pamper yourself.  Don't be so wrapped up in having a relationship that you lose yourself and your self-respect.

Find some new hobbies, watch YouTube videos to learn beauty tips and fill your days and nights with new endeavors to focus your attention on.

I realized that I come first and to never be so wrapped up in another person, that I let myself go.  Make yourself beautiful no matter what your financial status is.

Never compare yourself to another person because you are unique and you possess very special qualities that God put in you.

He never intended for us to be a clone.  So, beautiful lady take care of yourself and love yourself.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Should Your Child Be Wearing That On FaceBook?

Should Your Child Be Wearing That On And FaceBook?

Moe, Kawaii, Cute, Women, Students

Hello, everyone, I was on FaceBook and I saw young babies as young as two-years-old and up with boots and outfits that are not geared towards kids.

I am going to tell you all something, it is not cute. Ladies you have to be careful oversexualizing your babies.

It is not normal, and it is disgusting.  Sure, your baby is beautiful and precious but to have them in clothes for grown-ups and posing in a provocative manner is asking for trouble.

You don't know who is viewing these pictures or sharing them with other people.  Please stop doing this because it is not healthy.

There is nothing wrong with giving your child a little lip gloss or even the little makeup kits that some of the toy stores sell and if your little girl is eight years old on up it can be fun for her to play with makeup for kids with her friends at home.

Let your child be in the mindset to enjoy kid things and not things for adults.  I have seen little kids dancing provocatively in front of men and their moms think it is so cute.  Then, when something happens to your child you act like you are so surprised.

There is too much going on right now and you cannot be too careful.  On the other side, I have seen moms monitor everything regarding their children and that is the way to go, mom.

Protect your children and stop with this foolishness Ladies!

I Gave Him My Tax Money To Flip So We Could Make More Money.

I Gave Him My Tax Money To Flip So We Could Make More Money.

Face, Woman, African American, Skin Care

Hello, everyone, I received this question a while back and didn't get a chance to address it but I am addressing it now.

I received my tax money and my boyfriend asked me for money so he could flip it and make more money.  He took my money and gave it to a man that he met about four months ago, and he said that he trusted this man with (our) money.

I gave my man $2000.00 to give to his friend and then the man my boyfriend gave the money to, took the money and ran.  We cannot find a way to get in touch with this man and it looks like he was using fake names.

I am so upset with my boyfriend because I had plans to use this money for my children, I have two kids that I am supporting on my own.

This was a foolish move on my part, but I honestly thought that this would benefit both of us.

Threatening Dark Gloomy Back Light Darknes

I am going to say this in the best way possible, it seems to me that your (boyfriend) acted like your money was his.  He conned you into believing that this would be beneficial to you just to get your money.

Honestly, your boyfriend owes you this money because he just handed this money over to a stranger or a friend that he didn't know that well.  I have heard a lot of men talking about flipping money and most of them don't have their own money or their own jobs.

These men are using you and other women to finance their business endeavors. And some of them are actually taking this money and doing other things with it, and then they come up with a sad story after they have taken your money to finance their activities.

You said that this money was for your children.  You should have never taken this money that was meant for your kids and just handed it over.

I am sure that you have learned a valuable lesson from this and think about taking your boyfriend to small claims court to get your money back.  You may or may not be successful, but at least he will get the idea that you are not to be played with.

Next time, tell him to use his own money. Do not allow him to get his hands on yours.

Are big content creators going broke?

Are big content creators going broke? I have been a content creator since 2012.  I have seen a lot of people come and go.  Doing YouTube or ...