
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Can You Escape The Hood By Doing Hood Things?

Can you escape the hood by doing hood things?

This morning I was thinking about all the people I know who tried to escape the hood by lying, stealing and hustling.

These folks thought they had all the answers and did not listen to anyone.  Years ago they were the best dressed, very popular, and drove the hottest cars.  It looked like they had the world in the palm of their hands.

 I have run into some of these people and I was very surprised that some of them are homeless.  They outwitted themselves and now they didn't have anyone to turn to.

Fast money is a fast death and you cannot escape your environment by doing foul things.  You may escape for a short time but you will not sleep well at night and you will have to constantly look over your shoulder.

You will not be able to trust your friends because when you are living this way, you really don't have any friends and you will lose self-respect.

Taking shortcuts will lead to problems further down the road.

Friday, December 8, 2017

What Exactly Is Talking White Or Acting White?

What Exactly Is Talking White Or Acting White?

African, American, Women, Black, Female
Image Courtesy Pixabay.

There are a lot of misconceptions regarding African American people who talk proper English.  They are often called Oreo's, talking white, sell-outs and etc.

Some people grow up in different environments or they are exposed to people of different races.  I have some in my family who so-called "talk white" and they are not trying to sell out at all.

My family members are very proud African Americans and many are. You do not know what people go through who grow up in mostly white neighborhoods, you will definitely not forget who you are and where you come from, that is for sure.

We have a tendency to put our people in a box that they don't belong in just because of your uneasiness.  It is no disgrace to use proper English.

All of us are not the same, talk to a person so you can get to know them and you can build great friendships.  It is unfair to make judgments based on a manner of speech.

Judge people by their character only!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Top Five Ways To Date Yourself.

Top five ways to date yourself.

Calendar, Time, Love, Date, Time Of
Image courtesy of Pixabay

When you are not in a relationship it is easy to sit around and mope.  A lot of times you will not take care of yourself and your appearance.  Not being in a relationship doesn't mean that you just give up on life.

Cursor, Click, Heart, Love, Date
Image courtesy of Pixabay

There are many ways to date yourself, to make you feel special and loved.  Sometimes people notice when you do not treat yourself well and they view you as unattractive. Make it a point to date yourself because you will draw more quality people into your life.

So here are the top five ways to date yourself!

  1. Go to a fabulous restaurant and order whatever you want and sit there and savor every bite.
  2. Take yourself on a trip alone and meet people and treat yourself to the best massages around and pamper yourself.
  3. Take a relaxing bath and put on your favorite music, get out and put on the prettiest nightgown that you own and eat some quality chocolates and watch  ("Breakfast At Tiffany's.)
  4. Order a beautiful necklace or ring and use it as your statement piece.
  5. Go get your hair, nails, and feet done, and then go to a photoshoot and take your best picture.
Learn how to be happy with yourself and you will enjoy yourself with or without a mate.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Sir, Why Are You So Negative???

Sir, Why Are You So Negative??

Smile, Happy, People, Fun, Young, Woman
Image Courtesy Of Pixabay.

Recently, I was at an event and it was a married couple where the husband said something very negative to his wife, and I thought I was going to fall out of my chair.

I will not repeat what he said, but it was a reference to her looks and her as a woman.  She didn't say anything back to him because obviously, it is something that he normally does.

Mind you, this man is not Prince Charming himself and he should never say that to his wife.  On the other hand, his wife is beautiful, she has large doe eyes and they are really striking.

I am quite sure his wife spoke to him at home about this. What I am going to say regarding this is don't do this to your wife or any other person, have some respect and some class.

Mrs, please keep yourself up because when you don't, men notice.  It still doesn't excuse his behavior, but don't let him see you slipping.

Fix yourself up, and if he doesn't improve, then maybe you should consider making permanent changes in your marriage.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Frenemies and their motives.

Frenemies and their motives.

Girl, Woman, Emotion, Passion
Image Courtesy Of Pixabay.

Frenemies are people who pretend to be your friend when they really hate you.  They are extremely jealous of you and your accomplishments and will undermine you at every turn.

In the past, I have had friends like this and you try to be a real friend and even keep the peace, but it gets tiring after a while.  They never were happy for me, and some talked about me behind my back and attempted to use me.

I was always in their corner and tried to be the best friend that I could, but I got the total opposite in return.  It is easy to spot a frenemy because they will force their way into your life, and they are very kind at first until they get closer to you and gain your trust.

Some of these frenemies will get close to you so they can get closer to the man in your life in an attempt to ruin your romantic relationship.

These people will try to put you down while smiling in your face or acting as if they got your back. The best way to deal with a frenemy is to know the signs and stay away from them.  It is very easy to spot them.

You ask them how your outfit looks and they will just shrug and say nothing or say " that outfit would look better on me".  Some will even mimic you by trying to wear the same clothes or hairstyles you do.

Some of them will try to undermine you at your place of work to get your position if your position is higher than theirs.  Stealing your close friends and talking about you is their modus operandi.

If you get married before they dom they will act like they are happy but you can see the disappointment in their eyes.

Frenemies can be any age and they are dangerous! They are so consumed by your life when they should be living their own.

Friday, November 10, 2017

I Faced Racial Discrimination On My Job!

I Faced Racial Discrimination On My Job!

Non-Violence, Peace, Transformation
Image Courtesy Of Pixabay.

First off, I am not a person who will blame everything on racial discrimination. Today, I was thinking about a time I was discriminated against by my employer.

Many years ago I used to work as an Administrative Assistant for an agency that helps poor, minority, and disenfranchised people.  A lot of these people were in fact homeless.

My boss seemed like she was friendly and I thought she had a heart of gold.  Her agency was very well known in the community, and she really did help clients get housing, jobs, and food.

I was given my assignments to do for the day, and I flipped the papers over, and it had racist words on the back that pertained to black people.  At first, I thought that someone else in the office had done this.

Each and every time I saw these words on the back of my work assignments it really sickened me.  I never said anything because I needed my job.

My boss constantly smiled at me and was kind, but I knew she had a problem with black people as a race.

I didn't stay in this job very long because I could not deal with all the discrimination I was facing.

Another employee told me that they were going through the same thing, and it is sad.

Make sure you research online the steps that it takes to lodge a discrimination lawsuit if this has happened to you.  Racial discrimination has no place in the workforce!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

(Men) Top Don'ts In A Relationship.

(Men) Top Don'ts In A Relationship.

Portrait, People, Clothing, Men
Image Courtesy Pixabay

Hello Gentlemen, these are tips for men to stop doing these things in their relationships.

  1. If your girlfriend doesn't feel well, don't come over because she doesn't want any company.
  2. If your girl is cooking expensive dishes, such as; shrimp, lobster, and oxtails.  "I Love Oxtails" do not show up with any of your friends unless she specifically invites them.
  3. Do not absolutely, do not come to her house with extra clothes (trying to move in on the sly) because she didn't ask you to move in.
  4. Do not kiss her if your breath smells bad.
  5. Do not show up at her house late if she told you to come by 7pm, do not come at 11pm.
  6. Do not come to her house with five of your kids if she didn't ask you to.
  7. Don't keep the toilet seat up because she hates that.
  8. Do not text someone while you are at her house. (this is disrespectful.)
  9. Please do not avoid calling her for three weeks and then just show up at her house unannounced.
  10. Do not have her thinking you are going to marry her if you do not intend to.
These rules are very easy to follow and she will love you for being considerate.  Please leave comments if you would like to leave even more tips.

Are big content creators going broke?

Are big content creators going broke? I have been a content creator since 2012.  I have seen a lot of people come and go.  Doing YouTube or ...