
Friday, August 12, 2016

Marrying Or Dating A Stalker And An Obsessive Compulsive Man

Ladies; Please watch this video and heed the signs and the information given.  You do not have to be a victim and a punching bag.  Love doesn't hurt!  

Protect yourself and your children and do not let a man use and abuse you.  Your children are better off without living their lives in fear.    If you are in an abusive relationship or marriage it will not get any better. You can call the Domestic Violence Hotline and be on your way to a better life.  

Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

To get help online go to:

Monday, August 8, 2016

I Am In Debt Because Of My Credit Card.

Anonymous Question:  Girl, please help me!  I have been using my husband's credit card and he doesn't know that I am charging everything with that card.  I get the bill before he see's it.
Most of the things I am buying, I don't need.  I am so scared that he will find out.

SashaMoniqueTalks:  Tell your husband what you are doing and cut up that card.  It sounds like you have an addiction to shopping.  If it is possible, return some items.  

If you cannot return these items, then try to sell them on eBay and find a therapist to help you find out why you are doing this.  Buy some books by Authors who specializes in money management.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Is My Boyfriend Married?

I think this was some very good advice.  Check out a person when you start a new relationship because you can save yourself a lot of heartaches.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Should I Go Natural?

Anonymous Question: 
 I heard that you are natural but you wear wigs all the time; I would like to go natural myself but I am work in a professional environment and I would like to move up into upper management.  Are you ashamed of your hair?  I want to see what your advice is before I do the big chop.

First and foremost, I want to thank you for asking this question.
I have been natural for five years and I also went natural another time in my life for four years.

The reason I went natural is because I have Androgenic Alopecia.
I am not ashamed of my hair at all.  If I didn't have Alopecia I would like to wear my hair in different styles and would press it sometimes to wear it straight.

The question that you asked regarding wearing natural hair in a professional environment; I would honestly have to tell you if you are trying to move into upper management, I would find a natural style that is very neat and refined. 

 If you are unable to do these styles because of hair length or other issues, hair could be added to 
make a beautiful style.  You could also go natural but wear a wig at work and wear your beautiful natural hair while you are out of work.

I also like the look of a nice, neat, short Afro.  Unfortunately, you have to fit in with the work environment to get the position that you want.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

SashaMoniqueTalks Should I let my husband stay home with the kids while I work?

Guy, Man, Suspender, People, Male
Image Courtesy Pixabay
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen:  This is my first post giving advice.  I hope you enjoy it and you can submit questions of your own.,

Anonymous Question:  Sashamoniquetalks  I need some advice because I work in New York City and I bring home a very good income but I get home very late and I am tired of paying nannies to watch my children. 

 I feel that I am losing the connection with my children that I once had.  My kid's ages are 3, 5, and 9.  My husband has a good job but I make a lot more money than he does.  I think it would be a good idea for my husband to stay home while I work.  Please tell me what you think.

SashaMoniqueTalks:  This is a very touchy subject because you forgot to tell me the sex of your children.  I truly feel that if your husband has a good relationship with your children and he is very attentive to their needs, he could surely stay home with your children.

 I would talk to him and see if this is something that he would like to do and be prepared if he doesn't feel comfortable with this arrangement.

 If you have girl children you must teach your husband how to do their hair and help with getting their clothes ready and tending to their hygiene. 

 Also, when a spouse stays home with the children, they sometimes lose important working years on their resume which could create problems if they decide to go back to work in the future.

This could be the perfect set-up if he works part-time from home because he will still be able to receive an income and have work experience just in case he decides at some point to go back to work.

I hope this works out for you because it is a healthier environment for your children and it will make your spouse a better father.

Are big content creators going broke?

Are big content creators going broke? I have been a content creator since 2012.  I have seen a lot of people come and go.  Doing YouTube or ...